The state of a man is always at flux. At every
point in time, man is always thinking, be it consciously or subconsciously. It
is only right to regard man as a "thinking being". Things are caused
to come into being by the actions of a man. Whether he makes conscious effort
or in a subconscious state, things will certainly happen. In this regards, it
is of great essence for man to learn how to have the right frame of mind and be
of positive thinking at most times, if not all times, for things to work in his
People often fail to realize the power of their
thoughts. They forget how much their minds could wander some times and in such
times, what things could be borne out of those thoughts. It should be
understood that a man's thought largely shapes his world. In essence, things do
not just happen to man. Man is the creator of his world. To create one's ideal
world, it only follows to ensure the right application of one's thought.
Finding and creating the right thoughts is a subject of inquiry which should on
no account be neglected.
Efforts should always be made in thinking right. A
right thought conceived leads to divine perfection while a wrong thought
descends one to the level of mediocrity. Man has been found to be a
thought-evolved being; one capable of acting to either cause joy or suffering
in his environment. A being that has the ability to enforce things by acting
upon the thoughts he builds. In turn, a positive thought has happiness as its
fruits while a negative one leaves a sad state in every dimension.
The power of thinking right cannot be over-emphasised
as that goes a long way in shaping our day as well as our life in the long run.
Thoughts have the power to make or mar our day. Even when a thought is no
longer being considered, it has the ability to cause a change in the
orientation of one's day program. Whether a thought is
spontaneous/unpremeditated or of deliberate execution, it has the tendency of
changing things around that person. So, at all times, one should always try to
live with a positive mindset.
Thoughts are like plants that spring from a seed;
the plant cannot exist independently of the seed. This can be likened to
bearing thoughts and in turn related outcome. The circumstances that surround a
man are bore by the thoughts he conceives. It is only right to say that
thoughts cause effects. The character in which one appears is the effect of the
cause of a thought. Essentially, the character of a man becomes the complete
sum of all his thoughts.
As a thinking being, a man is literally what he
thinks. Man was created to be his own creator of his circumstances. He is the
master-weaver (both of the inner status of character and the outer expression
of circumstance) of all that happens in his life. To help build the right
thoughts, man must learn to exercise meditation and experience in his daily
living. This is only suggestive rather than explanatory. Man must learn to
meditate, have his lone time and engage in conscious positive thinking. With
everyday conscious effort in positive thinking, an in-built mechanism is
created to ensure positive thoughts for one even in a subconscious state.
In all, the greatest act of a man towards thinking right is the
discovery and perception that man himself is the maker of circumstances by
virtue of the thoughts which he choose, nurture and encourage. It is very
important to learn to direct energy with intelligence into creating the right
needed thoughts. This may not be easy at first but it must be realised that no
progress or achievement was ever possible without sacrifice. To be successful
and happy in all we do, it all starts with conceiving the right desired
Essentially, a more highly thought leads to a more manly, upright,
efficient and greater man. No accomplishment is ever impossible. It only begins
with cultivating the right thoughts. Start today, not tomorrow! Act to think
right and live a better and more fulfilled life.
the Author
Ettoh Oghenekefe is a content creator. He writes
articles, stories and develops ideas/content for start-up firms. He enjoys best
translating words and ideas into enjoyable stories.
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