Thursday, 10 August 2017

Networking: The New Career Currency

If you're like me, the prospect of making small talk with total strangers is like being asked to climb Mount Everest with a fractured limb. However, if you desire a mountain top career, that climb is a must. While this may look intimidating for many, this article is meant to demystify networking and show you how you can effectively use it to accelerate your career.
In today's career world, to sell and buy career opportunities, the networking currency is essential. To help you proceed with direction, I'll share a simple helpful framework that has worked for me.

Realistic Expectations
It helps to build your networking around a realistic expectations framework. Expecting your networking efforts to yield fruits 100% of the time is only setting yourself up for failure and frustration. You shouldn't expect a response to each and every email you send out, just like you and I, people are busy too. They sometimes forget to send the reply they intended or your mail could've gotten stuck in the spam.
Realistic expectations also extend to what you want the person you're trying to network with, do for you. Be specific in your requests and do not make a request that is outside the person's power to make happen.

Persistence and Consistency
So you sent that one email, no response, and now you're convinced this person hates you? Why not try a follow up your emails? A simple tip I use that has always worked for me when pitching clients is the 6-3-3 rule. I wait six days after the first mail before sending another. Three days after the second before sending the third. If no response still, another three days before sending the fourth after which I can safely conclude it's a lost case. Depending on the purpose of my mails, I could simply rinse-and-repeat this strategy again and again after a few months.
It's in the human nature to give up at the slightest sign of obstruction to goals. Same way it is just natural to admire someone who is persistent and consistent.

Know Your 'Why'
What's your reason for wanting to network and connect with a particular person or a group of persons? Trying to camouflage your real reason would only land you on bad terms with the persons you wish to connect with. But stating it in the open, even if the reason is obvious, would make networking easier for you.
You do not necessarily have to state your reason on the first contact. Remember, networking is all about building relationships that would benefit your career in the future, so you want to start with a brief introduction (not the story of your life please) and allow the other person choose a more convenient time for you both to discuss more.

Beyond Getting a Job
Most people erroneously assume that networking is synonymous to looking for job opportunities. In fact some do not begin entering "networking" into Google search until they are in between jobs or intending to jump ship from their current job.
Going about networking in such way would likely not yield positive results because you'll likely be going about complaining about your job to everyone you 'network' with. Also, networking in such circumstances makes you appear desperate and pushy, putting off those who could've given you the help you are craving for.
The best time to network is when you're at your happiest moments, whether at your current job or even unemployed. When there is no pressure, no ticking bomb, no feelings of anxiety nor ulterior motives. Or better still, when you have learned to see beyond your currently not-so-pleasant situations

Where to Network
I have probably gotten you interested in networking. Now you might be wondering, alright, so where do I go to network? There are several ways to find networking opportunities.

1. Social Media: For professional networking, LinkedIn and Twitter are the most common. There are still other platforms like Google+, Medium, Reddit and if used right, Facebook.

2. Local Events: Attending seminars, workshops and other events related to your profession is a good networking opportunity. Don't make it a time for simply distributing your business cards, spend some moments engaging the others with meaningful discussions relating to the event.

I recently moved to Lagos. Since I'm someone who works remotely, I knew I needed to find some networking opportunities that would take me out of the house. I have two apps that have helped me in this area: "meetup" and "eventbrite." They are both free to use, all you have to do is download them from Play Store and set it up with your gmail account. Enter your location to find events close to you, and register for those you wish to attend. You can also connect the event dates to your calendar or switch on the notifications for reminders.

Most of these events are free and you'll surely find several of them that will interest you. From programming to religion to career, business, health and outdoor events.

Right Way to Network
Network because you love connecting and meeting new people. Be genuinely interested in getting to know more about the people you meet. You shouldn't make introductions with hidden agendas. Your focus when networking shouldn't be what you can get out of knowing those people.
Network because it is fun, healthy and definitely helpful.

Have you got tips on how to network better? Please drop them in the comments section. We will be looking forward to them.

Profile/ Bio
Faith Obafemi is a digital lawyer at and a digital entrepreneur. She loves writing and talking about career and technology.

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